Step 1

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1. Speak with Intention: Boomers don’t ramble—they choose their words carefully. Practice pausing before you speak. It makes your words carry more weight. 2.

Step 2

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1. Master the Art of the Handshake: A firm handshake and steady eye contact can leave a lasting impression. It’s a small gesture that screams confidence. 2.

Step 3

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1. Eat Together, No Phones: Boomers value mealtime as family time. Try a no-phone rule at the table and actually talk to the people in front of you. 2.

Step 4

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1. Fix It, Don’t Replace It: Boomers are pros at repairing things. Before tossing out a broken item, ask yourself: Can I fix this? It saves money and builds resourcefulness. 2.

Step 5

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1. Sacrifice Now, Shine Later: Boomers delayed gratification—whether saving for a house or skipping a night out to study. Prioritize long-term wins over short-term pleasures. 2.

Step 6

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1. Dress for the Occasion: Boomers didn’t wear pajamas to the grocery store. Dress intentionally—it shows self-respect and earns respect from others. 2.

Step 7

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1. Keep a Cash Stash: Boomers always had a little cash on hand for emergencies. Start a “rainy day” fund—even $20 a week adds up. 2.

Step 8

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1. Write Thank-You Notes: A handwritten note stands out in a world of DMs and texts. Gratitude goes a long way, and Boomers knew how to show it. 2.

Step 9

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1. Prioritize Experiences Over Stuff: Boomers valued memories over material things. Spend on travel, concerts, or classes instead of another gadget you’ll forget about. 2.

Step 10

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1. Learn to Say No: Boomers didn’t overcommit. Saying no to things that don’t align with your goals frees up time for what truly matters.